Only 90s Kids Can Relate To These ‘Hi-Tech’ Gadgets That Changed the Game

Growing up in the 90s was a magical time filled with innovation and excitement, especially when it came to hi-tech gadgets. While today’s generation may be enamored by the latest iPhone, true 90s kids will always hold a special place in their hearts for the gadgets of their era. From the nostalgic joysticks that brought video games to life to the iconic Discman that revolutionized portable music, these gadgets were game-changers for the 90s kids. Take a walk down memory lane and see how many of these hi-tech gadgets you can still recognize. Prepare to be hit with a wave of nostalgia as you reminisce about the gadgets that defined an era.

Hi-Tech Gadgets of the 90s

Growing up in the 90s was perhaps the best thing you could have wanted. It was the time for innovation, the launch of gadgets. The thrill of a new iPhone cannot compare to the happy memories of owning your own discman or the nostalgic joysticks. Walk down the memory lane and see how many ‘hi-tech’ gadgets of the 90’s you can recognize.

JoyStick – 90’s Gadgets That Were the Height of Technology

If you know what this is, you had a blessed childhood. The first thrills of video games at your home, gaming consoles and then the next generation – the joy stick. Memories of thrilling car racing still ring happy tunes whenever we look at this.

Windows 95 The True Revolution!

Seeing the computers come to life with that iconic 4 colored window logo followed with that signature tune was something that every teenager dreamed of. Windows 95 was a true revolution in the world of technology and computer operating systems. It introduced many features and improvements that changed the way we interacted with computers.

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Apple’s iMac or Macintosh Computers

Remember the curved all-in-one beauty? Considered the height of technology, Apple’s iMac versions were a sight to behold. The sleek and colorful designs set them apart from other computers on the market. The Macintosh operating system was known for its user-friendly interface and reliability.

Pagers – A Short-Lived Tech Trend

For Indian students, maybe it was not a big revolution. Pagers had a very short lifespan in India, but even for that small lifespan, they were considered a big ‘tech’. Pagers were tiny devices that allowed people to send short messages to each other. They were popular among professionals and doctors who needed to be reachable at all times.

Discman – Upgrade from Walkman

This is perhaps what Gen Alpha would be most clueless about, but millennials and Gen X’ers can relate to the elation of owning one. A major step up from a ‘walkman’, the Discman was the best music buddy you could own. It allowed you to listen to your favorite CDs on the go, giving you a portable music experience.

Nokia Cell Phones – Without Antenna

Cell phones were crazy and bulky. At that point, the Nokia revolution began, and the first phones with ‘in-built’ antennas were launched. From the ‘Communicator’ to N-Gage, Nokia mobile phones meant the highest tech and gadgets available to the 90s kids. Nokia phones were known for their durability and long battery life.

PDA – Personal Digital Assistant with Stylus Pen

If you were born in the late 80s, you understand PDA as Personal Digital Assistant and not the Public Display of Affection. These ultra-tech touch-based gadgets were called the first ‘handheld PCs’ and were launched as early as 1992. By the late 90s, they were seen in the uber business class and symbolized the highest tech. The ‘stylus’ as it was called was an innovation everyone wanted to hold in their hands.

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Other 90s Hi-Tech Gadgets

In addition to the gadgets mentioned above, there were several other hi-tech gadgets that were popular in the 90s:

Tamagotchi – Virtual Pet

The Tamagotchi was a handheld digital pet that you had to take care of. It was a small egg-shaped device with a screen that displayed a virtual pet. You had to feed it, play with it, and clean up after it, just like a real pet.

Game Boy – Portable Gaming Console

The Game Boy was a portable gaming console that allowed you to play games on the go. It had a monochrome screen and was powered by AA batteries. The Game Boy was a game-changer in the world of portable gaming and paved the way for future handheld consoles.

Walkman – Portable Cassette Player

Before the Discman, there was the Walkman. It was a portable cassette player that allowed you to listen to your favorite music on the go. The Walkman revolutionized the way we listened to music and made cassette tapes a popular form of media.

Pocket Calculator

While calculators may not seem like hi-tech gadgets now, they were revolutionary in the 90s. The pocket calculator made performing complex calculations much easier and more accessible for students and professionals alike.


The hi-tech gadgets of the 90s were a nostalgic and revolutionary time in technology. From joy sticks to Windows 95, these gadgets changed the way we interacted with technology and paved the way for future innovations. While some of these gadgets may seem outdated now, they hold a special place in the hearts of those who grew up in the 90s. So, take a trip down memory lane and remember the joy and excitement that these gadgets brought into your life.

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