LEVOIT Air Purifier Review After 2 Years – LEVOIT Air Purifier for Home, We Own 2 Of Them.

Looking for an effective air purifier to improve the air quality in your home? You might want to check out LEVOIT Air Purifier. In this review, we share our experience of owning two LEVOIT Air Purifiers for the past two years. We’ll give you an in-depth look at their features, performance, and overall value for money. Whether you’re someone who suffers from allergies or just someone who wants to breathe cleaner air, this review will help you decide if the LEVOIT Air Purifier is the right choice for you.

LEVOIT Air Purifier Review After 2 Years

As someone who struggles with allergies and asthma, I know the importance of clean air in the home. That’s why after much research, my family and I decided to invest in the LEVOIT Air Purifier for Home. In this article, I will be sharing our experience with the LEVOIT Air Purifier after owning two units for over two years.


In recent years, air purifiers have become increasingly popular as a way to improve indoor air quality and combat allergies, asthma, and other respiratory issues. The LEVOIT Air Purifier has become a fan favorite due to its 3-stage filtration system, quiet operation, and coverage for rooms up to 219 square feet. But does it live up to the hype? Let’s find out.

Three-Stage Filtration System

One of the biggest selling points of the LEVOIT Air Purifier is its advanced 3-stage filtration system. The first stage is the pre-filter, which captures larger particles like pet hair and dust. Next is the HEPA filter, which removes smaller particles like pollen and pet dander. Finally, there is the activated carbon filter, which absorbs odors and other harmful pollutants like smoke.

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Effectively Removes Pollutants

As someone who has pets and suffers from allergies, I was pleasantly surprised to see how well the LEVOIT Air Purifier tackles pet dander and other small particles. After just a few days of use, we noticed a significant improvement in our air quality. And over time, we have noticed that our allergies and asthma have become less severe.

Suitable for Rooms up to 219 Square Feet

The LEVOIT Air Purifier is rated for rooms up to 219 square feet, which makes it perfect for use in bedrooms, living rooms, and other small to medium-sized spaces. And despite its powerful filtration system, the LEVOIT Air Purifier is surprisingly quiet. Even when running on the highest setting, it’s still quieter than most other air purifiers we’ve tried.

Easy to Use and Maintain

Another great feature of the LEVOIT Air Purifier is how easy it is to use and maintain. The control panel on the front of the unit is straightforward and user-friendly, and the filters are easily replaceable. We also appreciate the night light feature, which can be turned off if preferred.


While the LEVOIT Air Purifier is an excellent investment in improving your home’s air quality, there are a few drawbacks to keep in mind. Firstly, some users report an initial plastic smell when first using the unit. This typically goes away within a few days, but it can be unpleasant. Additionally, some users may find the plain design of the unit to be unappealing.

Affiliate Links

Finally, it’s worth noting that some websites may include affiliate links to the LEVOIT Air Purifier. These links generate income for the website, but it’s important to note that the opinions expressed in this article are entirely our own. We have not been paid or incentivized to write this review.

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Overall, we highly recommend the LEVOIT Air Purifier for Home to anyone looking to improve their indoor air quality. Its 3-stage filtration system is highly effective at removing pollutants from the air, including pet dander and smoke. It’s also easy to use and maintain, with a quiet operation and a night light feature. While there are a few minor drawbacks, they’re far outweighed by the benefits of the unit.


  1. How often should I replace the filters in my LEVOIT Air Purifier?
    We recommend replacing the filters every six months, or more frequently if you have pets or allergies.

  2. Can I use my LEVOIT Air Purifier in a larger room than 219 square feet?
    While the LEVOIT Air Purifier is rated for rooms up to 219 square feet, it can still be effective in larger spaces. However, you may need to run it on a higher setting.

  3. Is the LEVOIT Air Purifier noisy?
    Not at all! Even on the highest setting, it’s quieter than most other air purifiers we’ve tried.

  4. Can I turn off the night light on my LEVOIT Air Purifier?
    Yes, the night light can be turned off if preferred.

  5. Do I need to air out my room after using my LEVOIT Air Purifier?
    No, you don’t need to air out your room after using the LEVOIT Air Purifier. It’s designed to clean the air without leaving any harmful byproducts behind.

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