Leveling the Playing Field: Bringing Opportunity to Underserved Communities

Imagine a world where every child has the opportunity to participate in sports, regardless of their background or financial resources. Thanks to the vision and dedication of Max Levitt, that world is becoming a reality. Leveling the Playing Field, a nonprofit organization founded by Levitt, is on a mission to bring opportunity to underserved communities. Inspired by his time as a student assistant for the Syracuse football team, Levitt was struck by the amount of perfectly good sports equipment being discarded. Seeing a chance to make a difference, he decided to redistribute these unused resources to those who needed it most. Since its humble beginnings in Levitt’s parents’ basement, Leveling the Playing Field has grown into a thriving organization that has already distributed millions of dollars worth of equipment to schools, rec programs, and leagues. With ambitious plans for expansion, Leveling the Playing Field aims to address the growing inequity in youth sports and ensure that every child has a fair shot at success.


About Leveling the Playing Field

Leveling the Playing Field is a non-profit organization that focuses on addressing the growing inequity in youth sports. The organization was founded by Max Levitt, who was inspired to start it after his experience as a student assistant for the Syracuse football team. Levitt noticed the significant amount of unused sports equipment that was being discarded and saw an opportunity to redistribute it to underserved communities.

Mission and Goals

The mission of Leveling the Playing Field is to provide opportunities for all children, regardless of their socioeconomic background, to participate in youth sports. The organization aims to level the playing field by ensuring that every child has access to the necessary equipment to participate in sports activities. Their goal is to promote equality and inclusivity in youth sports, allowing every child to experience the benefits of physical activity and teamwork.

Founder’s Story

Max Levitt’s Background

Max Levitt, the founder of Leveling the Playing Field, has always been passionate about sports. Growing up, he was an avid athlete and participated in various sports teams. Levitt’s love for sports led him to Syracuse University, where he became a student assistant for the football team.

Experience with Syracuse football team

During his time as a student assistant for the Syracuse football team, Levitt was responsible for managing the team’s equipment. He was struck by the sheer amount of unused sports equipment that was being thrown away. Levitt realized that this excess equipment could be put to better use and have a positive impact on communities that lacked the resources to provide sports equipment to their youth.

Inspiration to start Leveling the Playing Field

Motivated by his experience with the Syracuse football team, Levitt was inspired to take action. He founded Leveling the Playing Field with the goal of redistributing the surplus sports equipment to underserved communities. Levitt wanted to ensure that every child, regardless of their background, had the opportunity to participate in youth sports and benefit from the valuable experiences and life lessons that sports provide.

Addressing Inequity in Youth Sports

The Growing Inequity in Youth Sports

Youth sports have become increasingly unequal, with children from lower-income families facing barriers to participation. The cost of equipment, registration fees, and travel expenses often deter children from underserved communities from participating in sports activities. This growing inequity limits the opportunities for these children to develop physical fitness, teamwork skills, and self-confidence.

Implications for Underserved Communities

The lack of access to sports equipment and opportunities in underserved communities has significant implications for the children living in those areas. Without the resources to participate in youth sports, these children may miss out on the physical and mental health benefits that sports provide. Additionally, they may be excluded from the social and personal development opportunities that come from being part of a team and participating in organized sports.

Providing Opportunities for All

Leveling the Playing Field aims to address these inequities by providing opportunities for all children to participate in youth sports. By redistributing unused sports equipment to underserved communities, the organization ensures that children have access to the necessary tools to get involved in sports activities. This not only promotes physical health but also fosters social inclusion and personal development for the children involved.

Impact and Achievements

Amount of Equipment Distributed

Since its inception, Leveling the Playing Field has distributed an estimated $13-14 million worth of sports equipment. This includes a wide range of equipment, such as soccer balls, basketballs, baseball gloves, helmets, and much more. The organization collects surplus equipment from various sources and redistributes it to schools, recreation programs, and leagues in need.

Beneficiaries of the Program

The program reaches a wide range of beneficiaries, including schools, recreation programs, and leagues in underserved communities. By providing them with the necessary sports equipment, Leveling the Playing Field allows these organizations to offer sports activities to children who would otherwise not have the means to participate.

Contributions to Schools, Rec Programs, and Leagues

Leveling the Playing Field’s contributions have had a profound impact on the organizations it serves. By providing them with equipment, the organization enables schools, rec programs, and leagues to expand their sports offerings and improve the quality of their programs. Through these partnerships, Leveling the Playing Field is helping to create more inclusive and accessible youth sports environments.

Organizational Growth

Evolution from Basement to Established Organization

Leveling the Playing Field has come a long way since its humble beginnings in Max Levitt’s parents’ basement. Starting as a small operation, the organization has grown into a thriving non-profit with a team of 14 dedicated employees. Through their hard work and determination, Leveling the Playing Field has been able to make a significant impact in addressing inequities in youth sports.

Current Staff and Locations

Leveling the Playing Field currently operates with a team of 14 employees who are passionate about the organization’s mission. They work diligently to collect, organize, and distribute sports equipment to underserved communities. The organization has offices and warehouses in multiple cities, allowing them to efficiently serve a wide range of communities.

Expansion Plans for the Future

Leveling the Playing Field has ambitious plans for the future. The organization aims to expand to every major city in the country within the next 10 years. By increasing their reach, they hope to provide even more children with access to sports equipment and opportunities. This expansion will enable Leveling the Playing Field to have an even greater impact on leveling the playing field in youth sports across the nation.

Initiatives and Programs

Sports Equipment Redistribution

One of Leveling the Playing Field’s main initiatives is the redistribution of sports equipment. The organization collects surplus and gently used equipment from various sources, including individuals, schools, and sports teams. They then distribute this equipment to schools, recreation programs, and leagues in need. This initiative ensures that no equipment goes to waste and that children in underserved communities have the resources they need to participate in sports.

Equipment Donations and Grants

Leveling the Playing Field also accepts equipment donations from individuals and organizations. These donations go directly towards providing sports equipment to organizations in need. Additionally, the organization seeks grants and funding opportunities to further support their mission and expand their reach. These initiatives allow Leveling the Playing Field to continue making a difference in the lives of underserved children.

Community Outreach and Engagement

In addition to equipment distribution, Leveling the Playing Field is committed to community outreach and engagement. The organization actively seeks partnerships with schools, community centers, and local organizations to identify areas where their support is most needed. Through these collaborations, Leveling the Playing Field builds strong relationships within the communities they serve and ensures that their efforts align with the specific needs of each community.

Partnerships and Collaborations

Corporate Sponsors

Leveling the Playing Field is fortunate to have the support of corporate sponsors who share their commitment to promoting equality in youth sports. These sponsors provide financial support, equipment donations, and valuable advocacy for the organization. Through these partnerships, Leveling the Playing Field is able to amplify its impact and reach even more underserved communities.

Sports Teams and Organizations

Sports teams and organizations also play a crucial role in partnering with Leveling the Playing Field. These collaborations help facilitate the collection and redistribution of sports equipment. By working together, sports teams and organizations contribute to creating a more equitable sports landscape, where every child has access to the benefits and joys of playing sports.

Education Institutions

Education institutions, including schools and universities, are vital partners for Leveling the Playing Field. These institutions often have surplus sports equipment that can be repurposed for underserved communities. By collaborating with education institutions, Leveling the Playing Field can maximize the impact of their equipment redistribution efforts and ensure that more children have the opportunity to participate in youth sports.

Volunteer Opportunities

Roles and Responsibilities

Volunteers are an integral part of Leveling the Playing Field’s operations. They assist with tasks such as collecting and organizing donated equipment, distributing equipment to underserved communities, and promoting the organization’s mission through various community engagement activities. Volunteers play a vital role in enabling Leveling the Playing Field to reach more children and make a greater impact on youth sports inequality.

How to Get Involved

Getting involved with Leveling the Playing Field is easy and rewarding. Interested individuals can visit the organization’s website to find information on volunteer opportunities and sign up to be part of their volunteer network. The website provides details on upcoming events, donation drives, and other ways to support the cause. By becoming a volunteer, individuals can directly contribute to the organization’s efforts in leveling the playing field in youth sports.

Impact of Volunteering

Volunteering with Leveling the Playing Field offers a unique opportunity to make a difference in the lives of underserved children. By donating their time and energy, volunteers help provide access to sports equipment and opportunities for children who might otherwise be excluded from youth sports. Volunteering not only supports the organization’s mission but also allows individuals to witness firsthand the positive impact they can have on their local communities.

Success Stories

Testimonials from Beneficiaries

The impact of Leveling the Playing Field can be seen through the heartfelt testimonials from beneficiaries. From students to teachers and community leaders, individuals express their gratitude for the opportunities and resources that the organization has provided. These testimonials demonstrate the profound impact that participation in youth sports can have on the lives of children and the communities they belong to.

Case Studies of Changed Lives

Leveling the Playing Field has numerous inspiring case studies that showcase the transformational power of youth sports. These case studies highlight individual stories of children who have overcome barriers and experienced personal growth through their involvement in sports. From increased confidence to improved academic performance, these stories exemplify the life-changing effects that access to sports can have on underserved children.

Inspiring Examples of Impact

The impact of Leveling the Playing Field extends beyond individual success stories. The organization’s work contributes to fostering a more inclusive and equitable society. By providing opportunities for underserved children to participate in youth sports, Leveling the Playing Field is helping to create a future where every child has access to the benefits of sports. The organization’s efforts inspire others to take action and contribute to the goal of leveling the playing field for all.

Challenges and Future Outlook

Addressing Funding Needs

As with any non-profit organization, Leveling the Playing Field faces challenges in addressing funding needs. The organization relies on donations, grants, and sponsorships to fund their operations and support their equipment redistribution efforts. To ensure the sustainability of their programs and reach their expansion goals, Leveling the Playing Field continues to seek financial support from individuals, corporations, and other funding sources.

Overcoming Distribution Challenges

The distribution of sports equipment presents unique challenges for Leveling the Playing Field. Coordinating the collection, sorting, and delivery of equipment requires effective logistics and infrastructure. The organization continuously works on streamlining their processes to ensure that equipment reaches underserved communities in a timely and efficient manner. Meeting the demand for equipment remains a priority as Leveling the Playing Field expands its operations.

Plans for National Expansion

Leveling the Playing Field has ambitious plans for the future. The organization aims to expand its reach to every major city in the country within the next 10 years. This expansion will enable the organization to impact an even greater number of underserved communities and provide more children with access to sports equipment and opportunities. Through continued growth and expansion, Leveling the Playing Field strives to create a more equitable and inclusive landscape for youth sports throughout the nation.