CANNONBALL Weighted Training Softball Review

Are you looking to enhance your fastpitch softball pitching skills? Look no further than the CANNONBALL – Weighted Training Softball. This incredible training tool is slightly smaller than a regular softball and weighs 16 oz. It is specifically designed to strengthen the muscle groups in your forearm and shoulder, helping you improve your pitching power and accuracy. While it may not be recommended for distance throwing, the Cannonball is the perfect aid for honing your pitching technique. Plus, it can even be used to break in a new glove! Get ready to take your game to the next level with the CANNONBALL – Weighted Training Softball.

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Why Consider This Product?

If you’re serious about improving your fastpitch softball pitching skills, then the CANNONBALL Weighted Training Softball is a product you should seriously consider. This innovative training tool is designed to help you strengthen the crucial muscle groups in your forearm and shoulder, resulting in more powerful and accurate pitches. Backed by scientific evidence and positive customer testimonials, the CANNONBALL can significantly enhance your training routine and bring noticeable improvements to your game.

Features and Benefits

Enhances Muscle Strengthening

One of the key features of the CANNONBALL is its weighted design. Weighing at 16 oz, this training softball offers resistance during your pitching motion, which can effectively target and strengthen the muscle groups in your forearm and shoulder. By consistently training with the CANNONBALL, you can develop greater arm strength and endurance, allowing you to pitch faster and with more precision.

Compact Size

With its slightly smaller than standard softball size, the CANNONBALL is perfectly sized for comfortable grip and practice. Its compact size makes it easy to handle, ensuring a natural and fluid pitching motion. Additionally, the smaller size also helps improve hand-eye coordination, allowing you to train your aim and precision more effectively.

Versatility in Training

The CANNONBALL is a versatile training tool that offers various uses to enhance your fastpitch softball skills. While primarily designed for pitching training, it can also be utilized for other purposes. For instance, the weighted design of the CANNONBALL can be used to break in a new glove, ensuring a snug fit and improved performance. It can also be incorporated into strength training exercises to engage and activate different muscle groups.

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Durable and Long-lasting

Product Quality

Crafted with high-quality materials, the CANNONBALL is built to last. It can withstand repeated use and intense training sessions, ensuring that it remains a reliable companion in your journey to becoming a better pitcher. The robust construction not only enhances durability but also provides a consistent weight distribution throughout the ball, allowing for consistent training results.

CANNONBALL - Weighted Training Softball - Fastpitch Softball Pitching Training Tool Aid

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What It’s Used For

Improve Pitching Form and Power

Using the CANNONBALL in your training routine can immensely benefit your pitching form and power. The weighted design forces you to engage your forearm and shoulder muscles more intensely, which translates into increased power behind your pitches. With regular use, you’ll notice improved velocity and greater control over the trajectory of your throws, leading to more strikeouts and better performance on the field.

Strengthen Muscle Groups

In addition to its impact on your pitching performance, the CANNONBALL is highly effective at strengthening the muscle groups in your forearm and shoulder. These muscle groups play a vital role in fastpitch softball, as they are responsible for generating power and maintaining stability during your pitches. By incorporating the CANNONBALL into your training regimen, you can target and strengthen these muscles, reducing the risk of injuries and improving your overall performance.

Break in a New Glove

The CANNONBALL can also serve as a useful tool for breaking in a new softball glove. By repeatedly catching and squeezing the weighted ball with your glove, you can ensure a proper break-in, allowing the glove to mold to your hand’s shape and providing a comfortable fit. This process not only enhances the longevity of your glove but also improves your fielding skills by promoting a snug and secure grip.

Enhance Overall Strength

The versatility of the CANNONBALL extends beyond pitching training and glove break-in. Its weighted design can be incorporated into various strength training exercises to target different muscle groups. Whether you’re performing arm curls, tricep extensions, or rotational exercises, the added resistance from the CANNONBALL can help you build overall upper body strength and stability.

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Product Specifications

Specification Description
Weight 16 oz
Size Slightly smaller than softball
Material High-quality durable material
Recommended Usage Pitching training, glove break-in

CANNONBALL - Weighted Training Softball - Fastpitch Softball Pitching Training Tool Aid

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Who Needs This

The CANNONBALL is a must-have tool for any fastpitch softball player looking to improve their pitching skills. Whether you’re a beginner looking to develop a strong foundation or an experienced pitcher aiming for greater speed and control, the CANNONBALL offers valuable benefits for players of all skill levels. Coaches can also incorporate the CANNONBALL into their team’s training regimen, helping players develop strength and precision on the mound.

Pros and Cons


  • Enhances pitching power and accuracy
  • Strengthens forearm and shoulder muscles
  • Versatile usage for pitching, glove break-in, and strength training
  • Compact size for comfortable grip
  • Durable construction for long-lasting use


  • Not recommended for distance throwing


Q: Is the CANNONBALL suitable for all age groups?

A: Yes, the CANNONBALL is suitable for fastpitch softball players of all ages and skill levels.

Q: Can I use the CANNONBALL for long-distance throwing?

A: The CANNONBALL is not recommended for long-distance throwing due to its weighted design, which may potentially strain your arm.

Q: Can I use the CANNONBALL to improve my hitting skills?

A: While the CANNONBALL primarily focuses on pitching training, it can be utilized to enhance hand-eye coordination and overall strength, which can indirectly improve your hitting skills.

What Customers Are Saying

Customers who have incorporated the CANNONBALL into their training routines have expressed positive feedback. Many have noticed significant improvements in their pitching velocity, accuracy, and overall arm strength. They appreciate the durability and versatility of the CANNONBALL, enabling them to maximize their training sessions. The glove break-in feature has also received praise, as it has helped players achieve a quick and comfortable break-in process.

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Overall Value

Considering its effectiveness in improving pitching skills, enhancing muscle strength, and its durable construction, the CANNONBALL offers exceptional value to fastpitch softball players. It is a reliable training tool that can bring noticeable improvements to your game, helping you become a more formidable pitcher on the field.

Tips and Tricks For Best Results

To get the best results from the CANNONBALL, it is essential to incorporate it into a well-rounded training routine. Here are some tips and tricks to maximize your training sessions:

  1. Start Slow: Begin with lighter weights and gradually progress to the 16 oz CANNONBALL. This will allow your muscles to adapt and reduce the risk of overexertion.

  2. Consistency is Key: Incorporate the CANNONBALL into your training routine regularly to reap its benefits. Aim for at least three training sessions a week, focusing on building strength and refining your pitching technique.

  3. Warm-Up and Cool Down: Prioritize a thorough warm-up and cool-down routine to prevent injuries and promote muscle recovery. Stretching exercises and light cardio are excellent ways to prepare your muscles for training.

  4. Consult a Coach: If you’re new to using a weighted training softball, consider seeking guidance from a coach or experienced player who can provide tips on proper form and technique.

Final Thoughts

Product Summary

The CANNONBALL Weighted Training Softball is a game-changing tool for fastpitch softball pitchers. Its weighted design effectively targets and strengthens the forearm and shoulder muscles, resulting in improved pitching power, accuracy, and overall performance. With its compact size, versatility, and durable construction, the CANNONBALL offers exceptional value and is a must-have for players looking to take their game to the next level.

Final Recommendation

If you’re serious about honing your pitching skills and becoming a better fastpitch softball player, don’t hesitate to invest in the CANNONBALL Weighted Training Softball. Backed by scientific evidence, positive customer feedback, and a range of versatile uses, this training tool is a valuable addition to your training arsenal. Unleash your full potential on the mound with the CANNONBALL!

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