FitNation by Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical Review

Introducing the FitNation by Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical! This innovative exercise and rehab device is designed to improve circulation, decrease joint pain, and allow you to exercise while you work, watch TV, read, or catch up on calls, all from the comfort of your favorite chair.

Now, imagine the benefits of owning this product. You can enjoy a convenient way to stay active and burn calories without the need for a traditional workout routine. With both auto and manual settings, you have the freedom to switch between a preset training program or engage in free-style exercise for a greater calorie burn. Plus, the two-directional movement of this device helps improve your range of motion, flexibility, and strength-building capabilities.

In this review, we’re going to take a deeper look at the FitNation by Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical. We’ll explore its features, functionality, and see if it lives up to its promises. So, let’s dive in and see how this product can enhance your exercise routine and overall well-being.

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How FitNation by Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical Works

The FitNation by Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical is a revolutionary fitness and rehabilitation equipment that allows you to exercise while sitting in your favorite chair, improving circulation, decreasing joint pain, and providing a multitude of health benefits. With its auto and manual settings, you have the freedom to choose between guided workouts or free-style exercise for a greater calorie burn.

Convenient Auto and Manual Settings

The FitNation Pedal Pro Plus offers both auto and manual settings, giving you the flexibility to choose the workout style that suits your needs. In auto mode, you can follow pre-set training programs designed to provide optimal results for various fitness levels. These programs are easy to navigate with the built-in display and allow you to create three separate training programs, making it a no-brainer to incorporate daily exercise into your routine. In manual mode, you have the liberty to customize your workout and focus on specific muscle groups or target areas.

Improved Range of Motion

One of the standout features of the FitNation Pedal Pro Plus is its two-directional movement. This unique design allows for a wider range of motion, providing even more flexibility and strengthening your muscles. By engaging both your upper and lower body in a smooth elliptical motion, you can improve joint mobility, increase flexibility, and build strength in a low-impact manner.

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Remote Control for Easy Navigation

The included remote control adds convenience and ease of use to your workout sessions. With just a push of a button, you can effortlessly toggle between settings and programs, eliminating strain and interruption during your exercise session. The remote control ensures a seamless experience, allowing you to focus on your workout without any disruptions.

FitNation by Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical Uses

The FitNation Pedal Pro Plus is a versatile piece of equipment that can be used in various scenarios, providing a convenient way to incorporate exercise into your daily routine. Here are some of its uses:

Exercise While You Work

The FitNation Pedal Pro Plus allows you to exercise while you work, whether you have a desk job or work from home. Simply place the device under your desk or in front of your chair, and you can pedal away while completing your tasks. This is a fantastic way to keep your body active and improve circulation, especially if you have a sedentary lifestyle.

Exercise While You Watch TV or Read

Make the most out of your leisure time by using the Pedal Pro Plus while watching TV or reading a book. Instead of sitting idle, you can engage your body and burn calories while enjoying your favorite entertainment. This is a perfect solution for those who find it challenging to allocate time for exercise due to their busy schedules.

Exercise While You Catch up on Calls

Do you find yourself spending a considerable amount of time on phone calls? The Pedal Pro Plus allows you to multitask by pedaling while catching up on calls. Whether you’re making business calls or chatting with friends, you can turn this typically sedentary activity into an opportunity to move your body and promote a healthier lifestyle.

FitNation by Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical

Purchase The FitNation By Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical Now

Product Specifications

To better understand the FitNation Pedal Pro Plus and its capabilities, here are the specifications of this innovative fitness equipment:

Specification Details
Dimensions 22.5 inches x 16 inches x 35 inches
Weight Capacity Up to 220 lbs (100 kg)
Display LCD display
Tracking Metrics Speed, Time, Distance, Steps, Calories
Movement Two-directional
Training Programs 3 preset programs
Remote Control Included
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Who Is FitNation by Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical For

The FitNation Pedal Pro Plus is suitable for a wide range of individuals who are looking for a convenient and low-impact way to incorporate exercise into their daily lives. This product is particularly beneficial for:

  • Office workers who spend long hours sitting at a desk
  • Individuals with joint pain or mobility issues who require gentle exercise
  • Busy professionals who struggle to find time for dedicated workout sessions
  • Seniors who want to maintain their mobility and overall health

FitNation by Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical

Pros and Cons

As with any product, the FitNation Pedal Pro Plus has both advantages and potential drawbacks. Here are some of the pros and cons to consider:


  • Convenient and easy to use
  • Suitable for various fitness levels
  • Provides low-impact exercise
  • Can be used while performing other activities
  • Compact and portable design
  • Includes preset training programs


  • Weight capacity may be limiting for some individuals
  • Limited resistance levels compared to traditional ellipticals
  • Requires a chair to use effectively


  1. Is the FitNation Pedal Pro Plus suitable for all fitness levels?

    • Yes, the Pedal Pro Plus is designed to accommodate various fitness levels. The auto settings provide pre-set training programs that cater to different intensities and goals.
  2. Can I use the FitNation Pedal Pro Plus without a chair?

    • The Pedal Pro Plus is specifically designed to be used with a chair. The sturdy construction and ergonomic design ensure comfort and stability while pedaling.
  3. How loud is the Pedal Pro Plus during operation?

    • The Pedal Pro Plus operates quietly, allowing you to exercise without disturbing your surroundings. It’s a perfect option for low-impact workouts in shared spaces.

FitNation by Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical

What Customers Say About FitNation by Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical

Customers who have purchased the FitNation Pedal Pro Plus have provided positive feedback on its performance and user experience. Many users appreciate the convenience of being able to exercise while performing other activities, such as working or watching TV. The smooth motion and customizable settings have also received praise for providing an effective workout without excessive strain.

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Overall Value

The FitNation by Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical offers an excellent value for anyone looking for a convenient and low-impact way to incorporate exercise into their daily routine. With its versatile uses, easy operation, and range of motion, this product allows you to improve circulation, decrease joint pain, and burn calories from the comfort of your own chair.

FitNation by Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical

Tips and Tricks for Best Results

To maximize the benefits of using the FitNation Pedal Pro Plus, here are some tips and tricks:

  • Gradually increase the duration and intensity of your workouts to avoid overexertion.
  • Use the pre-set training programs to vary your workouts and target different muscle groups.
  • Incorporate upper body exercises, such as using hand weights or resistance bands, while pedaling to engage more muscles and increase calorie burn.
  • Maintain proper posture while using the Pedal Pro Plus to ensure optimal alignment and reduce strain on your joints.


The FitNation by Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical is a convenient and effective fitness and rehabilitation equipment suitable for various individuals. With its auto and manual settings, two-directional movement, pre-set training programs, and remote control, this product offers ease of use while providing a range of health benefits. Whether you’re looking to improve circulation, decrease joint pain, or burn calories, the FitNation Pedal Pro Plus is an excellent investment for a healthier lifestyle.

Product Summary

The FitNation Pedal Pro Plus is a motorized seated elliptical that allows you to exercise while seated in a chair. It offers auto and manual settings, two-directional movement, a built-in display with preset training programs, and a remote control for easy navigation. With its compact and portable design, it is suitable for individuals of all fitness levels, especially those with joint pain or mobility issues.

Final Recommendation

If you’re looking for a convenient way to incorporate exercise into your daily routine, the FitNation Pedal Pro Plus is the perfect choice. Its versatile uses, ease of use, and range of motion make it a worthwhile investment for anyone seeking a low-impact workout solution. Improve your circulation, decrease joint pain, and burn calories from the comfort of your favorite chair with this innovative fitness equipment.

Get Your Hands On The FitNation By Echelon Pedal Pro Plus Motorized Seated Elliptical Today

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